Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thoughts to chew on

So, this month my bible study is doing a relationship series and they are having people come in to talk to us about their experiences and give us a "real" look at what it's like to be married.

Last night a couple of good friends of mine came and talked, and their story is one that is really really stretching. I believe it would be stretching for anyone in their situation. The guy had become a widower at a young age and then remarried yet to lose his second wife to divorce (because she cheated on him). The lady had never been married before but became an instant step mom to 4 kids. They are growing in their marriage but thing have been hard.

Now, since I have been doing the online dating thing, I am constantly matched up to guys who have been divorced with or without kids. I am open to this but it would not be my preference. However, I want to do whatever God is calling me to do and I know He will sustain me in that time if I were to ever be a part of a blended family.

So, for all of you readers out there, if you have experienced this or can give me any good advise on what to look for- any red flags that I would need to pay attention to, please tell me. I'm all ears. ;-)

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