Saturday, March 19, 2011

Daughters--Hello Courage! Part 2

If you have not read Part 1 of Daughters--Hello Courage! You can click here to read before moving on to Part 2.
Created to be Creative: Daughters--HELLO COURAGE! Part 1:

In Part one of this 2 part series, we talked about what Courage is and the process that brought us to who we are today. We talked about some of the wounds in our lives that have broken us down to bring Fear into our lives and causes us to not be courageous.

I want you to know that God has been sent to heal, restore and to release something--that something is YOU, and he will wrap our hearts in a garment of praise. He has assured us that we will never be abandoned. He will come to us with a face of Jesus which is Love. ;-)

Have you ever seen the painting where Jesus is knocking on a door? I have always loved this painting.

Jesus asks our permission for healing. He gave us the key to our hearts to lock the door from the inside. It is our job to give him permission to let him in because He has chosen to give us that choice. His Spirit is gentle and he knocks, asking us to let Him in so he can shine his light on our fear and heal us. He wants us to offer all of our brokenness to Him.

He promised us that joy will come. We need to BELIEVE that what He said is true--JOY WILL COME!

Remember, there is nothing that makes God tremble. There is nothing within our hearts that he has not seen or healed in someone else. He is not shocked to find out what we are going through. He has heard our fears before and He knew that we would be going through trials and tribulations so that is why God had his Son die on the cross for us. We not only get the benefits of Christ's death, but we get the benefits of His life. Christ is YOUR life and breath. We are the branch and He is the vine. Apart from Christ we can do nothing.

To some, the image of a pale body glimmering on a dark night whispers of defeat. What good is a God who does not control his Son's suffering? But another sound can be heard: the shout of a God crying out to human beings, "I LOVE YOU." Love was compressed for all history in that lonely figure on the cross, who said that he could call down angels at any moment on a rescue mission, but chose not to - because of us. At Calvary, God accepted his own unbreakable terms of justice." ~Phillip Yancey

We are in the palm of His hand--there is nothing and there is no one that can take us out of it. Be strong and courageous. There is no room that you walk in that God has not preceded you. We are becoming courageous women because we are growing and knowing in Him.

Psalms 18:19 said, "He rescued me because he delighted in me". He is always saying "Come Closer". You affect His heart and you can change His mind. That is how much he Loves us. Amazing right? ;-)

Oswald Chambers said "The only person that can satisfy the aching abyss of the human heart is Jesus Christ". God's love is deep, wide, long and high. God wants something in response from us. He yearns for us to love Him back and life can get in the way of His love for us because we get distracted--that is why He is jealous for us. Our love for Him is the one thing that we possess that God cannot claim without us offering it to Him. He doesn't force us to love him, but He created us to commune with Him in an intimate way. God wants us to choose to love Him freely, even when that choice involves pain, because we are committed to him, not to our own good feelings and rewards. He wants us to cleave to Him, as Job did, even when we have every reason to deny Him hotly.

Phillip Yancey stated, "I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse."

We ladies, yes, you and I--We take God's breath away!! Oh how glorious is that? Oh, and guess what? WE AFFECT HIS HEART!!! Can you only imagine?? WE AFFECT GOD'S HEART and yes, you heard it right, we have the ability to TAKE HIS BREATH AWAY!! Ha ha! I love it. He loves us so much that we have the ability to affect Him in this way? As they say in the Princess Bride, "INCONCEIVABLE"!!

Really, truly it is amazing. He loves us so much that:

1. He died on the cross so we may live
2. He has forgiven us of our sins when we ask
3. He yearns for us to love Him back like He loves us
4. He wants to heal us from our fears and hurts of the past and present
5. He gives us life through His love and healing breath
6. He never takes His life off of you
7. He is SMITTEN by you! ;-)
8. He is generous and extravagant
9. He gives us the courage to press into Him
10.He gives us the courage to get back up
11.He gives us the courage to be loved.

His love is like a kiss and an earthquake!

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