Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ever have one of those moments...ok, one of those looooooong moment..

This is pretty much how I am feeling today. Don't think there is much that needs to be said. It speaks for itself. LOL

I am not just having one of those days. I am having one of those weeks. Ugh!!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Has it been 5 months since my last post?

Golly Gee Willakers!! Time does fly when your having fun. :-)

I have been trying to keep up on other peoples blogs, just haven't found success or even an interest in keeping up with mine. I hope that changes though.

Let's see, what have I been up to in the last 5 months? Work work work. Dating a great guy and keeping busy with him and family and friends.

I haven't painted in a very long time either. Honestly, just haven't had the desire to. Back in July of last year I hurt myself by almost falling in the shower and it has been a long journey to feeling like I can even function. So needless to say the inspiration for a lot of things haven't been there. I am just now getting to the point where I am ready to start excersizing again, and will probably start a new painting for my boyfriend here soon. Excited about that! ;-)

The point of my blog originally was to post the creative things (crafts/paintings/cooking/baking) as well as share what is going on with my life. I kind of fell off the wagon with that one, so here is to getting back into the swing of things. Hope everyone is doing well.